主頁 / 產品系列 / 所有產品 / 一和高麗原支紅蔘(天)10支300克 ILHWA 6 years old Korean Red Ginseng Heaven 10 roots 300g

一和高麗原支紅蔘(天)10支300克 ILHWA 6 years old Korean Red Ginseng Heaven 10 roots 300g

HK$30,000.00 HK$30,300.00

一和高麗原支紅蔘(天)10支300克 ILHWA 6 years old Korean Red Ginseng Heaven 10 roots 300g

HK$30,000.00 HK$30,300.00

自古被稱為「百草之王」的人蔘作為養生進補食材已有幾千年的歷史,《神農本草經》所載,人蔘能「補五臟,安精神,止驚悸,除邪氣,明目,開心益智」。等級最高的極品天字高麗蔘,出產比率少於0.5%(每1000支少於5支)的6年根高麗蔘才能符合這標準。每支蔘的形狀、顏色、蔘體肉質、頭身腳比例、根的外部特徵及內部組織緻密度、有效成份的含量、香味及效能等,均由韓國政府部門驗證,確保品質。含有人蔘皂苷37種、補充正氣、消除疲勞,生津止渴,提神補血氣,減低精神壓力,平衡人體機能, 改善血液循環、 提高免疫力。

Ginseng, known as the "King of Herbs" since ancient times, has been used as a nourishing and tonic food for thousands of years. According to the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", ginseng can "replenish the five internal organs, calm the spirit, stop palpitations, eliminate evil, and improve eyesight." , Happy puzzle". The highest grade of the best Heaven Goryeo ginseng, 6-year-old Goryeo ginseng with a production rate of less than 0.5% (less than 5 sticks per 1,000 sticks) can meet this standard. Each ginseng's shape, color, ginseng flesh quality, head-to-foot ratio, root external characteristics and internal tissue density, active ingredient content, fragrance and efficacy are all verified by the Korean government to ensure quality. Contains 37 kinds of ginsenosides, replenishes vitality, relieves fatigue, promotes body fluids and quenches thirst, refreshes blood, reduces mental stress, balances body functions, improves blood circulation, and improves immunity.

適合人士 Suitable for:
• 氣血不足、手腳冰冷人士    People with insufficient blood and cold hands and feet
• 驚悸失眠、體虛人士   People with palpitations, insomnia, and physical weakness
• 免疫力、抵抗力較低人士   People with low immunity and resistance
• 需要護肝、加強肝臟解毒功能人士   People who need to protect the liver and strengthen the liver's detoxification function
• 睡眠不足、容易疲倦、缺乏精神人士   People who lack sleep, get tired easily, and lack energy
• 平衡身體機能、素食者人士   Balanced body functions, vegetarians
• 價格名貴、追求高質素人士   People with high price and high quality

主要成分 Main ingredients:
100% 6年根高麗紅蔘(天)10支    100% 6-year-old Korean Red Ginseng (day) 10 roots
規格支數:天10支   Specification number: Heaven 10 roots
實際支數:~7支   Actual number: 7
重量:300克    Weight: 300g

建議食用方法 Suggested eating method:

Take directly after slicing or take 3~4 slices each time and soak in boiling water for drinking. Repeat soaking, and ginseng slices can also be eaten after soaking

儲存方法 storage method:
請置於陰涼處、並避免潮濕或陽光直接照射。開封後請密封好保存.   Please keep it in a cool place and avoid dampness or direct sunlight. After opening, please seal it and save it.

注意事項 Precautions:
打開時請小心、避免因包裝材料而受傷。   Please be careful when opening it to avoid injury due to packaging materials.

產地 Origin:
韓國   South Korea