主頁 / 產品系列 / 一和濃縮液 / 一和高麗紅蔘茶 150g 50包 ILHWA Ginwells Korean Red Ginseng Tea 150g(3g x 50pcs)

一和高麗紅蔘茶 150g 50包 ILHWA Ginwells Korean Red Ginseng Tea 150g(3g x 50pcs)

HK$268.00 HK$298.00

一和高麗紅蔘茶 150g 50包 ILHWA Ginwells Korean Red Ginseng Tea 150g(3g x 50pcs)

HK$268.00 HK$298.00

高麗紅蔘產品是利用對人體產生有效功能性的原料及成分製造、加工生產的保健品(紅蔘),通過增進免疫力、改善疲勞、抑制血小板凝固,有助於血液循環、改善記憶力及抗氧化、 提升健康。

Features: Korean red ginseng products are health products (red ginseng) manufactured and processed using raw materials and ingredients that have effective functions on the human body. By enhancing immunity, improving fatigue, and inhibiting platelet coagulation, it helps blood circulation, improves memory and resistance Oxidize and improve health.

適合人士 Suitable for:
• 氣血不足人士    People with insufficient blood
• 手腳冰冷人士   People with cold hands and feet
• 容易疲勞人士   People who are prone to fatigue
• 善忘、記憶力差人士   Forgetful and poor memory
• 想改善健康人士   People who want to improve their health
• 想保持年輕、延緩衰老人士   People who want to stay young and delay aging
• 追求簡易食法、素食者人士   Those who pursue simple eating methods and vegetarians

主要成分 Main ingredients:
100%韓國6年根高麗紅蔘濃縮液   100% Korean 6-year-old Korean Red Ginseng Concentrate

建議食用方法 Suggested eating method:
每日 3次,每次 1包    3 times a day, 1 pack each time


Please take it with an appropriate amount of warm or cold water, or add some honey or sweetener to dilute it according to your preference.

儲存方式 Storage method:
請置於陰涼處、並避免潮濕或陽光直接照射    Please keep it in a cool place and avoid dampness or direct sunlight

容量 capacity:

150g(3g×50包)  150g (3g×50 packs)

產地 Origin:

韓國 South Korea