主頁 / 產品系列 / 一和濃縮液 / 一和高麗人蔘濃縮液100克 ILHWA Korean Ginseng Extract 100g

一和高麗人蔘濃縮液100克 ILHWA Korean Ginseng Extract 100g

HK$980.00 HK$1,150.00

一和高麗人蔘濃縮液100克 ILHWA Korean Ginseng Extract 100g

HK$980.00 HK$1,150.00

科學衛生萃取法:採用科學衛生的生產設備和一和獨有的人蔘製品加工技術,將優質高麗蔘在低於50℃的低溫條件下萃取出所有的有效成份後經過濃縮製成,每克含有功能性指標成份: 人蔘皂苷Rg1、 Rb1 及Rg3 的每克 總和為10mg~15mg/g

保留養份:一和人蔘製品使用低溫、低壓、真空狀態的酒精萃取法,萃取出高麗人蔘的有效成分,僅摄取少量亦可發揮100%的高麗蔘功效。有效抗氧化、預防衰老、提高免疫力、增強體力 、改善疲勞狀態、調理身體、提升健康。


品質穩定可靠:一和擁有穩定的製程及高標準之品管,致力供應高品質之人蔘製品,為全韓第一家通過 ISO9001 認證之人蔘工場。

Scientific and hygienic extraction method: Using scientific and hygienic production equipment and ILHWA unique ginseng product processing technology, the high-quality Korean ginseng is extracted from all the effective ingredients at a low temperature below 50 ℃ and then concentrated. Contains functional index ingredients: the sum of ginsenosides Rg1, Rb1 and Rg3 per gram is 10mg~15mg/g
Nutrient retention:ILHWA ginseng products use low-temperature, low-pressure, and vacuum alcohol extraction to extract the active ingredients of Korean ginseng. Only a small amount of it can exert 100% of the efficacy of Korean ginseng. Effectively resist oxidation, prevent aging, improve immunity, enhance physical strength, improve fatigue, regulate the body, and improve health.
Removal of pesticide residues:ILHWA attaches great importance to production technology. It has the only pesticide residue removal machine in Korea, which can extract even fine and harmful substances, and has obtained the strict German GMP standard certification.
Stable and reliable quality:ILHW- has a stable process and high-standard quality control, and is committed to supplying high-quality ginseng products. It is the first ginseng factory in Korea to pass the ISO9001 certification.

適合人士 Suitable for:
亞健康、抵抗力差人士    People with sub-health and poor resistance
善忘、記憶力差人士   Forgetful and poor memory
 工作繁忙、壓力大人士   People who are busy and stressed
 精神緊張、常感疲倦人士   People who are nervous and often tired
 希望保持年輕、延緩衰老人士   People who want to stay young and delay aging
 捱夜、日夜顛倒、睡眠不足人士   People who endure night, day and night upside down, and sleep deprivation
 應酬頻繁、 煙酒過多、需要護肝人士   People who socialize frequently, drink too much alcohol, and need liver protection

主要成分 Main ingredients:
100%韓國高麗人蔘濃縮液   100% Korean Korean Ginseng Concentrate

建議食用方法 Suggested eating method:
內附小匙,每匙約1g 每次取1~2匙、可直接食用或用溫水沖調飲用 ,早上或中午服用為佳。也可根據個人口味加入適量蜂蜜或煲好的雞湯

A small spoon is included, each spoon is about 1g. Take 1 to 2 spoons each time. It can be eaten directly or mixed with warm water for drinking. It is better to take it in the morning or at noon. You can also add appropriate amount of honey or boiled chicken broth according to personal taste
It is recommended to take it continuously for 3 months or more

儲存方法 storage method:
請置於陰涼處、並避免潮濕或陽光直接照射   Please keep it in a cool place and avoid dampness or direct sunlight

容量 capacity:
100g×1瓶   100g×1 bottle

產地 Origin:
韓國    South Korea